El Thorvaldo Moderator

YCM-ScapegoatGM by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

When Sonereal challenged the IOT moderator BirdJaguar to a Children's Card Game, my first instinct was to reach for that batch of cards I'd made based on DYOS. A split-second later, I realized I should try my hand at a batch for IOT!

This is my favourite card thus far for what it represents. I am still immensely bitter over MP2 for what I see as Tanicius throwing me under the bus to save his own hide. A self-confessed control freak, he avoids protracted arguments that would require him to take sides; rather than just kick P_F like I implored he let the problem fester, resulting in the tacit suggestion that I was culpable for the game's eventual collapse. I quickly gathered that my role had only ever been symbolic, and that I was essentially a scapegoat for if when the NPCs fouled up.

While Ailedhoo's failure was largely due to his own actions, I couldn't shake the feeling that he had similarly been duped into the role under false premises, with the important distinction that this was an untried player rather than a veteran GM. Rumour has it that Tani will hold the post in yet a future game... Good luck, NC. :p

Created with www.yugiohcardmaker.net

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt August 2013.]

Teen (V)
Finished Work
1y24d ago
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