El Thorvaldo Moderator

Coming to DYOS...
Coming to DYOS... by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 73rd submission to DYOS X. [link]

A few of these have actually happened, too! "Crysis of Faith" would make a good running title for the Three Wise Guys' escapades in DYOS XI. Likewise, CG lost a duel in the HAX... but that was totally chance; when I wrote that line I was thinking of something much more specific... :plotting:

This comic was originally accompanied by the Liberty Bell March by John Philip Sousa, but the account hosting the particular recording has since been deleted; unfortunate, as I think it was my favourite cover of the piece. UPDATE 20-3-23: PRAISE BE TO ARCHIVE.ORG

CivGeneral, Kan' Sharuminar & Taillesskangaru © themselves.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt February 2012.]

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