El Thorvaldo Moderator

Low Power
Low Power by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

Near the foot of Pohutu Geyser, Whakarewarewa, New Zealand. According to our guide it was about midway through its cycle when we started the tour, hence its spitting here. The geyser flats extend some distance to the right of this picture and are riddled with active steam vents; I imagine many of those archetypal alien landscapes were inspired by sinters like these.

The man horribly shrouded in contrast here was our guide, and is the single greatest tour guide I have ever met. He had a precise and punctual way of speaking that held your attention, coupled with a wry and deadpan humour. As he said at the beginning of the trek, his is a proud, traditional Maori name: Paul.

Original photo taken May 2014. Submitted to DeviantArt August 2015.

Finished Work
339d15h ago
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