Queen Froslass
Queen Froslass by @Eternity9

Queen Froslass, another ‘Boss/Totem’ Pokemon that can be found in a large frozen castle in a snowy valley. It is said that the castle had been ruled by an evil Queen that did terrible things and her heart was so cold that the winters never bothered her. Then one day a noble hero appeared and defeated the evil Queen and freed her kingdom, but even death couldn’t stop her rein of terror, as myth claims she returned as a strange and strong Froslass that refuses to let anyone take her kingdom from her and instead she put the whole valley into and eternal winter that only ice type Pokemon could survive in.

Till this day the valley has been ruled by Queen Froslass and is considered a safe haven for ice types.


Queen Froslass unlike King Perrserk who has his species hidden ability, Queen Froslass has a new ability for the species 'Snow Warning’

Battling her would be like a normal totem battle, but she can call upon a variety of Ice type Pokemon to her aid. After you defeat her she’ll go into her second phrase, now she would retreat into her frozen castle, the player character chases after her until you enter a chamber, you see her looking for something before she reveals she has a herba mystica and eats it, gaining strength and ready to battle again. This battle would be a little harder, but at the end you’ll be able to catch her.


So yeah Queen Froslass was inspired by this silly snowman sculpture. photo from shiftythrifting tumblr post https://www.tumblr.com/shiftythrifting/744417315091890176/a-very-specific-book-an-angel-thats-here-to-kick?source=share

Finished Work
80d3h ago
Other Work By @Eternity9

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