El Thorvaldo Moderator

NegaDYOS: If You Like Laws and Comics...
NegaDYOS: If You Like Laws and Comics... by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 18th submission to DYOS XII: [link]
See original post for musical cues.

 I knew I was using Gremlin D.Va. Finding a sketch that included Sombra (CG's current avatar and reactionface to the previous page) was the icing on the cake.

The 'background' banter was originally a literal space-filling gag, but it quickly became a tongue-in-cheek spoof of what it's like trying to co-author the Long Arc these days, and a rather unintentional commentary on how as of late the boardroom debates have eclipsed the actual front page.

And would you look at that—! Just when I thought I'd never use my onomatopoeic off-camera tussle trademark again...

Original comic by @GenMarshall

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt October 2017.]

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