Mr. Rhythm
Mr. Rhythm by @Eternity9

Mr. Rhythm a strange old Mr. Rime said to have been the court jester for an ancient king, yet despite those days gone and the king long dead Mr. Rhythm still hangs around the old castle ruins putting on a show for anyone who comes by. While he is friendly he also likes to play pranks on Pokemon and People, also he doesn’t battle in the way you would think, instead of a typical Pokemon battle you have to defeat him at a dance rhythm game.

Unlike a normal Mr. Rime, Mr. Rhythm has the ability Dancer (When another Pokémon uses a dance move, it can use a dance move following it regardless of its Speed.) other than that he just has increased stats for a Mr. Rime variant.

Fakemon inspired by this old jester sculpture Photo from shiftythrifting from their tumblr post

Finished Work
78d4h ago
Other Work By @Eternity9

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