Sykotic Orka

Orphan by @becca (Sykotic Orka)

A young calf watches her mother die after a fatal hit-and-run boat strike. Monochromatic, free drawn with tablet and Photoshop.

I originally wanted to portray Kandu V's death but seeing as I had no idea as to her injuries apart from a fractured upper jaw I switched it over to a wild orca. This is something that I wanted to get out of my system as I rarely portray orca death as such and a boat strike was chosen as it is one of the causes of orca mortality and injury in the wild and is much more visceral and disturbing when visually portrayed. I only read about boat strikes involving NZ orca, and those that are not killed are horribly scarred.

Mature (V)
Finished Work
15y78d ago
Other Work By @becca

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