Ashley Tate

Surprise Attack
Surprise Attack by @Scryren (Ashley Tate)

I'm gonna go as far as to say that this is my favorite picture of Scryren I've ever done mainly because it looks like how I imagined her. The thing I don't like about putting more realism in the face is that with them [Lothar and Scryren] is that I created them anime-ish and it just doesn't look right to me. So screw it. The lines stay!

Anyway, besides laying out Scry's (final) main outfit, the point was to draw an action-ish pose and spend more time on anatomy, folds and to get Photoshop to do more of a Painter look (minus the background...for now). I'm sick of the Photoshop look ;_;

The story behind this one wasn't made until a month or so after I sketched it. I think I dreamed it or I was zoning in class, probably the later. The shadow in the left corner is a guy. He was chasing Scryren until he looses sight of her. Where else could she go, the alley? So he fires, a clip maybe (depending on whatever gun I give him in the end) down there and hears nothing. One way or another he gets distracted, Scry lunges at him, knocking the guy over and tries to keep him from shooting her (Ashley’s watched too may Gargoyles episodes^^). He gets a shot or two off before she gets the gun away from him, breaks the wrist, smashes his head against the sidewalk and they all live happily ever after. Woo-hoo for blunt story telling!

Bigger image (1117x821) for uber details http://www.deathsvertigo.com/art/sketchbook/scrylunge_fin_huge.jpg Artwork © Copyright 2003 Ashley Tate

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y68d ago
Other Work By @Scryren

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