West Knight

ATV - Carlton generic (1999)
ATV - Carlton generic (1999) by @WestKnightTV (West Knight)

1999 saw a different vision of networked packages from Carlton, differing from the rest of ITV. Contrary to the newcomer Westcountry being absorbed into the Carlton brand, ATV refused to let the star replace their 'legendary' name.

As the hearts montage flashed, the light eventually morphed into the triangle V in ATV, instead of glowing into the star. A similar practice would be seen again 2 years later, as Carlton was commonly known as handling the pres side of HTV.

The Carlton 1999 background was taken from Afternoon Programmes Follow Shortly.

Originally posted to DeviantArt in January 2023, then simulcasted on Mastodon.

© 2023 West Knight | Not to be used in minting NFTs or training AI drawing models.

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1y47d ago
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