demented rabbit

Dead on arrival
Dead on arrival by @Demented_Rabbit (demented rabbit)

"Aw sugar, you just went and did the most stupid thing in your whole life,"

Shouldn't flirt with a vampire. Especially when they're hungry.-lol- Was watching Sin City when that quote came and gave me part of an idea. Although I've been trying to merge two ideas together, the quote and the hair. So her expression came out sort of like I wanted it to. And look a fur thing...what are those called, not boas but something else to go with dresses...Hell do I know!! -lol- Anyways, her dress stayed white cause I liked it that way. Again I'm lousy with background and such, so just imagine she's sitting at a bar or something. I actually colored her skin, compared to my other vampire sketch, although it's not as pale as I wanted it as the other one but I'm still somewhat happy with it. And look! A vampire with brown eyes. What's wrong with this?? I have brown eyes, so why shouldn't there be some vamps too?? Always blue. Although it's fun and all but fuck. Make a movie with one, with awesome contacts that does a clear version of brown or something. -lol- Late night rambling.

Finished Work
15y332d ago
Other Work By @Demented_Rabbit

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