Wolfhusky S.

Within the Shadows
Within the Shadows by @Wolfhusky (Wolfhusky S.)

This is the inked version, I'll be finishing it tomorrow once I get the inspiration and the new Prisma marker. I'm proud of the way it originally came out, though Taima's eyes are a bit funky and so are Kuma's. Yes, those are Kuma's eyes in the background. I guess it's supposed to symbolize Taima's determination to fully beat the wolf shrug The image just appeared in my head while watching an old Bat Beyond episode and I'm so glad I did it without any sort of guide or assistance ^.^ I'm extremely nervous b/c tomorrow my brother plans on taking my portfolio to a few art friends of his and I'm scared of what they'll say, mainly because I'm sensitive about my artwork. I'm in a hurry to finish this image and slip it into my portfolio along with a few others all for tomorrow... Artwork © Copyright 2003 Wolfhusky S.

20y362d ago
Other Work By @Wolfhusky

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