KidK Mirai

If You Knew...
If You Knew... by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)

...you wouldn't stay so close.

Just a little thing from Vamp RP. 6.6 Were-me is expecting a baby, and she has an easier time falling asleep if she's near her husband. Of course, while watching over her, Hunter-Zim has a lot of time to contemplate all his guilt...

-.- For those who aren't in the RP, Hunter-Zim (also Were-Zim now =B) wiped out Were-K's whole clan when she was a kid and before they knew each other. She was the only survivor and he almost shot her with a silver crossbow bolt, but for some reason couldn't bring himself to do it. She was found by some rich people and raised by them, but later on when she was about 18 her 'parents', not knowing she was a werewolf, hired Zim to exterminate the wolf they'd been seeing around their manor at night. He nearly killed K again, but again just couldn't do it. Soon after he came back and pretty much kidnapped her, and after some various adventures and InuYasha-like mulling over of feelings, he married her. But here's the rub--he knows who she is, from the first time he almost shot her (that's why he wouldn't kill her the second time), but she has no idea who he is, or even who she is, from before she was found by her foster parents. Hence, his ravaging guilt. 9.9

Especially since she's been pregnant. 6.6 Because childbearing was risky back in the time this RP's taking place in, and she's all 'I don't care, I love you, I want to have your child' and he's thinking ';.; You wouldn't say that if you knew what I've done to you!! BROODS'

9.9 I actually sketched this over the weekend without knowing I'd have an opportunity to actually have a similar little scene happen in the RP. The little group's staying at the master-vampire of Greece's mansion, hence the airy, beachy decor. u.u; I really really like Zim's expression in this...he really does look like he regrets all of everything, even though if he hadn't done what he did, he wouldn't have what he has now...

Finished Work
19y53d ago
Other Work By @kidkourage

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