The Blissy~

Please Don't Go
Please Don't Go by @Bliss_Greycloud (The Blissy~)

She didn't wait for her sister, running as fast as her legs would carry her. Even when Nadine called to her, a plea for her to wait- the kit just darted on. No, no.. it can't be true.. it just can't be true! He wouldn't go away! He wouldn't leave! She kept rolling those words around in her head, repeating them over and over again. They had an almost dizzying effect, making the kit stumble every now and again. She refused to slow down though, only wishing to find her teacher- And he was where she knew he would be. In the clearing, seated with his legs neatly folded and his robes settled so carefully about him. His staff rested across his lap, paws gripping it reverently. Eyes closed, head tilted down, he was in his usual meditation. Bliss didn't pause, only dashing across the clearing to reach him. Tears welled up in her eyes, which were drawn down her cheeks and violently torn into the air as she ran. "Myst! Mysticus!!" The azure wolf flicked his ears, head lifting just as his strange gold eyes opened. There was no surprise or alarm in his expression, only that usual warmth reserved for the kit who called him teacher. A smile creeped across his face: such a youthful visage for one so wise. The ornate sleeves of his robes shifted as he gripped his staff in one paw, so he could hold his arms out to the approaching kit. She fell within them only a second later, throwing her own arms about the mage's neck with a sob. Her ears flattened amid her array of sapphire curls as she buried her face against her teacher's cheek. Her cry made the wolf falter, the smile upon his muzzle instantly fading. For a moment he was still, frozen within the kit's hold. He'd not expected her to grab ahold of him in such a way, or hug him so fiercely. When Bliss nuzzled against his cheek though, and when he felt her warm tears against his fur, he instantly broke from his reverie. The staff slipped from his grip, falling onto the grass as the mage wrapped his arms about the kit in an enveloping embrace. She still cried, even as he held her. "Myst.. don't go away. Please don't go away.." She clung to him more tightly. "I don't want you to go.." The azure wolf breathed slowly, feeling an unfamiliar swell of emotions deep within his chest. Her words tore at him, more painful than any wound he'd ever suffered before. Somehow, he forced a smile to his muzzle, just as he took the kit to arm's length. His amber eyes softened as her studied her. She looked like a wild child, hair a tangled mess and her dress in total disarray, footpaws free and unguarded in the grass. She sniffled, a few tears still stubbornly clinging to her cheeks. "Now now.. my dear child.. don't cry." With a paw he gently brushed the thumb of it against her face, wiping away some of those tears. "Don't cry.."

Exert from a story I've been working on. ^_^

Finished Work
20y110d ago
Other Work By @Bliss_Greycloud

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