Kris Kitchens

"That's the Rod of Lightening??" by @Spug (Kris Kitchens)

Another random comic panel out of my adult Sonic Comic "Mobius" It needs some explaining. It's from the issue "Mirror,Mirror,Mobius" Which, tho nearly the whole comic series was stole. I still have drafts. >>; Darn thieves. Anyway. Sally acciedently threw herself into an alternative deminsion. Where herself, Sonic, Antione, and most of the Freedome Fighters were Evil. And Robotnik, Snively, Bunny, Female Tails and Knuckles were good. Due to being trapped out in the desert by Sonics forces.. they need a ride. Robotnik Pips up and says he has Transportation. Aka The Rod of Lightening. He goes and gets it, and it turns out to be a crappy Volswagon looking thing. Aka the ROBOBUG. >>; Sally goes. "That's the Rod of Lightening?" And Knuckles " Sahweet? Anit it?" XD! It's Funny reall. >>;;

Finished Work
21y284d ago
Other Work By @Spug

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