
Ailell by @catamount (Catamount)

Last night I surprised myself and pumped out three rather decent sketches for drawings I would like to complete. This is 1 of 3.

I started a multiplayer game of Diablo II a while ago on HAL (Jane was busted). My character was an assassin named SilentRain, his a necro named Jimi. Well, HAL was cleaned up of unecissary games and such (but my character was saved on a disk) and we took it to my grandparent's. (My brother build that computer for them specifically.)

Now, Jane is fixed, Diablo II is installed, I try moving the SilentRain character on... No workee. Turns out since HAL was XP and Jane is 98, there's something in the registry.

So I shrugged it off somewhat sadly (but SilentRain will be playable once I get Bean built!) and created a druid for my own single player game named Ailell. This is a sketch of him (wearing his 'antlers' so I don't have to draw a human face) I'm rather surprised and slightly pleased with it.

I have extremely little experience drawing anything human and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Abigail Gwinn

21y90d ago
Other Work By @catamount

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