Erin Ruiz

What snake in the bookshelf?
What snake in the bookshelf? by @yami0204 (Erin Ruiz)

Sneak, sneak, sneak did Jin into the family room. The TV was on, but no one sat in the armchair or sofa. Perfect, he thought to himself, now to deliver the package to Ten's bag. He snickered lightly as he made his way to the red and black bookbag sitting on the floor beside a small bookshelf.

He slipped his hand into his pocket, looking around to make sure no one could see him, and pulled out a little green snake. It was certainly not a happy snake, being stuck in Jin's pocket for almost an hour, but he seemed to harbor no ill feelings to the boy just yet.
Jin upzipped the bag slowly and as silently as he could, making an opening just big enough for the snake.

"What the hell are you doing, Jin!" came a semi-deep male voice from behind him.

Jin made a little "eep" sound as he turned toward his father, shoving the snake into top-most shelf of the bookshelf. He looked up at the cieling nonchalently, turning on his cuteness factor to "high."

"Er, I'm not doing anything..." he said with a slight quiver in his voice.

His father sighed, "Then why is there a snake in the bookshelf?"

"A snake in the bookshelf? What snake in the bookshelf? I don't see a snake!" He shoved his hand in front of the snake in a failed attempt to hide it.

With another heavy sigh, his father walked over to the bookshelf and picked up the snake. As he did, he noticed the opened bookbag on the floor that wasn't open when last he looked. "Jin, you need to stop trying to prank your brother. Someday he might just prank you back."

With that, he carried the snake to the backyard and set the little snake free. As he walked back into the kitchen to wash his hands, he glared angrily at Jin who still held that innocent expression on his face. The father ignored it and left.

That's when Jin brought out the large brown toad...

Finished Work
19y196d ago
Other Work By @yami0204

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