Wolfhusky S.

Yet another very late art trade...
Yet another very late art trade... by @Wolfhusky (Wolfhusky S.)

grr at small scanners and large sketchbooks!! My scanner cut off my signature (THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN STEAL IT..even though you probably wouldn't want to) and part of the canine..anyways this was my half of a trade for Virgina Bryan aka Blue Coyote. I dislike it and may do another..if I don't I'll ink it and color it perhaps in Photoshop. I'm sure the markings are screwed...but I tried. Let me know if anything's wrong, except for the fact that I CANT DRAW COYOTES >.< the ears aren't big enough or something..the body is too long maybe? grrrr Artwork © Copyright 2003 Wolfhusky S.

21y147d ago
Other Work By @Wolfhusky

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