Quique L.


Lazy doodles from a little while ago. This is sort of supposed to be some sort of persona character. Inspired by the kind of art I enjoyed and created back when I was a wee little mall goth in 2009-2010, lol.

My laptop's busted right now so I dunno how much new art I'll be making.

Now with 27/2/2024 update, he has an actual name and backstory!:

Ignacio was a relatively normal guy until he ended up in a car crash while out for a late-night fast food run, and was killed in a violent fiery explosion after his car's gas tank blew up. After being completely incinerated, Ignacio found himself falling into the fiery graveyards of the 6th circle of Hell. In disbelief and frustration, Ignacio hiked his way up to the Devil's throne, and demanded he be let out and sent back to the mortal realm- partially because he found it unfair to be sent to Hell, especially following an accident...and he doesn't even believe in Heaven and Hell. The Devil scoffed at him, told him he "better start believing". Ignacio found it difficult to adjust to living in Hell, and was definitely not prepared to spend an eternity there.

Down on his luck, Ignacio spent his days doing flaming shots down at Beelzebub's Tavern, playing poker with a bunch of cheating asshole imps, trying and failing to chat up the succubi ("closet case", they call him), and largely being shoved around and laughed at by the demons. That was until the day came that, in the midst of a drunken rant standing on top of a table, Ignacio accidentally inspired an uprising among the demons. They cheered and poured out of the tavern, with the goal of breaking their way out of Hell by force, tired of living under the rule of the Devil. With the Devil overpowered, all Hell had, indeed, broken loose. Ignacio, however, as a damned human soul, was left behind, while the demons poured out of Hell into the mortal realm, eager to wreak havoc and terrorize humanity. Furious, the Devil grabbed Ignacio and threatened to devour him, but instead decided that he'd put Ignacio to good use.

He offered Ignacio a job- if he could hunt down all the escaped demons for him, he'd consider giving him his mortal body back, and another chance at life. With nothing to lose, Ignacio accepted the job. With the help of Bartolomeo, a dry, deadpan familiar taking the form of a demonic bat, Ignacio was sent out armed to the teeth with guns, a screaming skeleton-motorcycle, a giant scythe called Insydious, and his balls of steel. One way or another, Ignacio's getting his mortal body back, and sending every demonic hijodeputa he can find straight back to Hell where they came from.

Outside of hunting and annihilating demons, Ignacio is fond of video games (Gran Turismo and Need for Speed were favorites of his), guitar-playing, B-grade horror movies, and Britney Spears (he's a big fan.)

Oh, and here's his theme song!

Art, concepts, & characters © 2024 Musewerx

Teen (LSV)
Rough / Concept
95d22h ago
Other Work By @musewerx

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