Albert McDaniel

Art 3 Portfolio, Page 07 - POTF Bookcover Concept Sketch
Art 3 Portfolio, Page 07 - POTF Bookcover Concept Sketch by @albemcda (Albert McDaniel)

Long ago I developed a story I hoped to turn into a 7 book series called The Trials of Genetics, the adventures of the world's last geneticist in the disant future. The 2nd book, Plight of the Furries, was a combination of flashbacks to a furry equal rights movement in the near future and the geneticist's struggle to free the descendants of furries who live as slaves in the distant future, after the world has been devistated by the War of Genetics, and all sciences related to genetics banned. This is a closeup of the main character's eye (a male vulpine with a black patch of fur over his left eye), in which you can see various scenes from the first two planned books. Another piece I'm still proud of from Art 3.

Teen (V)
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22y254d ago
Other Work By @albemcda

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