Liz Ramirez

by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

Another piece of angsty artwork from the ever popular fanfiction "When A Bunnie Meets A Bunnie". I don't think this one is as sexy as the other but what can you do?
This image is suppose to portray Bunnies depression and fear of Sonic and all he represents to her. This image is before the usual acts he'd do to her.. Very sad.

Lyrics: Smile - AFireInside

Overwhelmed with a deep repulsion for sights seen so commonly, now I have come to be the walking enmity. Assimilate into a culture of post morality, from what I've seen, I hate humanity. Rot with repulsion. I'll write the world a brand new song. Look upon your bleak creation, but is it truly me that's to be the human blasphemy? I'll set the world on fire and, in burning light I'll write my first love song and I will feel warmth. Hide your eyes in heaven, in the lies. Believe. Relieve. I'll end the world tonight. Overwhelmed with a deep repulsion for sights seen so commonly, now I have come to be a walking enmity, for humanity, the human blasphemy, I'll end the world tonight.

Hmm.. maybe Crawlspace's "My Ruin" woulda worked also. Maybe for 'nother image.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y209d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

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