Claire Horton

This is our story
This is our story by @missygabrielle (Claire Horton)

The final colouring (This has to be my fave pic i've ever done lol ) Missy and Nick as Tidus and Yuna! I was speaking to ~vegistie when drawing this on AOL, and i asked if i should include Yunas earing on Missy, she said yes, so it gave me the idea of giving Nick, Tidus clothes, i think it worked well, so thanks for your advice hunny.

Am2k/Makoto, looked through the backgrounds best and chose this one, as do i, the colouring works well and fits with the colours on the characters I extended it abit adding lens flare to give it the effect of the souls from the farplane, hope that looks ok.

Nick I love you, hope you like the final product lol

This is based upon the Final fantasy X ending where Tidus/Nick lol hugs Yuna/Missy, and she utters "I love you", I love you Nick, I can never say it enough. Me and Nick completed FFX the other day, so to honour this fact and over 60 hours of gameplay and some annoying leveling, i give you the furry version of FFX lol

Finished Work
20y47d ago
Other Work By @missygabrielle

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