Gwinna Tobin

Enter the Flarklings
Enter the Flarklings by @Gwinna_Dragonshadow (Gwinna Tobin)

This, my friends, is Emperor Hans Jasper Archibald William Fernando Xavier Leopold Weatherby IX...Sire of Death and (future) Supreme Ruler of the Universe. Or just Hans for short. He is the first of his race, the Flangery Arklings(or "Flarklings"), which Nightshadow and I made up ourselvs. ;p They are the ideal pet(for us, anyway). They have all the right qualifications: Fluffy, fangy, fire-breathing, and SPARKLY! They are adorable and carnivorus around terrier-sized. Like demonic little man-eating sheep thingies.

In the words of Nightshadow: "We will rule the world with their cute destructiveness!...Or destructive cuteness, whichever's fastest."


Technically Hans is the father of his species, so that would make him "Hans the First," but and I liked the number IX better. So nyah.

Finished Work
16y53d ago
Other Work By @Gwinna_Dragonshadow

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