Katie Panagakis

Mortal by @Takker (Katie Panagakis)

my first actual picture of Lyrian! he's going to be a main character in a book that I'm writing. I just recently got the style of him down, so I drew this in celebrtation!

so, anyway, what's going on is that Lyrian used to be a fire spirit, but for reasons I haven't decided on yet, he is turned into a human by his wrathful brethren. so here he stands, close to his people, but he really is so far away from them.

now, this is a serious picture but I plan on making Lyrian very lighthearted and a little goofy. I just thought this looked cooler. :P originally, I was gonna give the sprites wings, but I thought they looked fine without them. (they're the ones that started the fires, just so you know, and yes, those are trees XP)

Finished Work
19y108d ago
Other Work By @Takker

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