Tennille Brenner

Ceramic German Shepherd Repaint
Ceramic German Shepherd Repaint by @valolove1975 (Tennille Brenner)

Okay, this is a ceramic German shepherd my friend Billy had. I saw it in his apt. and it was really worn out, not painted too well to start with, paint chipped up pretty badly, so I snuck it home to repaint it for him. I used drybrushing. I used Apple Barrel acrylic paints for the drybrushing, then sealed it all with Plaid matte clear acrylic sealer, then put Delta Ceramicoat gloss varnish over the eyes, nose and claws to give them a more realistic shine. Unfortunately, I don't have a very good camera or very good lighting in this room, but I tried. You can't see the details as good as I'd like. You can't see his eyes too well in the after pics. If I can get a much better digicam someday I will resubmit better pics. I have before and after pics, which are below if you'd like to look.

Before 1

Before 2

Before 3

After 1

After 2

After 3

After 4

17y127d ago
Other Work By @valolove1975

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