Miguel Castaneda

Contest Entry - Sara Yuki
Contest Entry - Sara Yuki by @migucast (Miguel Castaneda)

Sara Yuki for Ayvuir Blue's pin-up contest. The criteria of the contest is fairly simple... A sexy pin-up for an obscure female character, the more obscure the better. I was originally going to do another girl but just felt like doing Sara because I've always wanted to do something with her so... I used her. Maybe I'll go back and do the other girl later since multiple entries ARE allowed. Of course, I won't say who the other girl is... Don't want to help the competition! XD

As for the picture itself... As I already said, she's Sara Yuki from Super Beastial Machine God Dancougar. If you're not familiar with the show then you won't get the significance of the stufties, so I'll go over that now: Dancougar is a combining robot formed from 4 robots, the Land Liger, Land Cougar, Big Moth, and Eagle Fighter. Sara is the pilot of the Land Cougar, which is why she's holding the cougar doll. On the left are, of course, Ryo's Big Moth and Shinobu's Eagle, and on the right is Masato's Ligar. Aside from that... Nothing else to say...

"YATTEYARUZE!!!!!!" ^^

Mature (N)
Finished Work
15y118d ago
Other Work By @migucast

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