Courtney Davidson

A Cute Calley
A Cute Calley by @wolf (Courtney Davidson)

An "illustration" type thing from Nuarth, Ground Zero. More just a pic of a cute Calley... I'll include a bit of text just 'cuz... the story is starting to take shape on the RC board.

An accusing, childish giggle heralded Calley's presence, watching her brother from the adjacent living room. She was in flannel pajama bottoms, fuzzy slippers, and a t-shirt twice her size, a popsicle threatening to drip down her hand. "Can I go with you tommorrow?"

Makzin raised an eyebrow as he pulled off on boot. "Um, no..."

She huffed a bit, but was too calm for Makzin's liking. Shuffling over across the wood floor, she leaned over him. "Today was the last class... they gave us tomorrow to get ready, but I'm packed and stuff... oops, sorry--"

A splash of gooey green popsicle dropped across Makzin's boot. "Calley!" he complained, pushing his sister away.

"Hey! Jeez..." and she quieted, glowering at him as he annoyedly scrubbed the wet spot from his already-messed, muddy boot. "It's dirty anyway."

He glared back. It was the principle of the thing...

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Courtney Davidson

21y132d ago
Other Work By @wolf

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