Kris Kitchens

Behold my Animals.
Behold my Animals. by @Spug (Kris Kitchens)

Sometimes, Instead of CGing Everything, I feel I should show off my mad skillz with color pencils.. then I realize I don't have any. o_O Anyway. The cat on my head is Little Bit of Terror, She is a toy cat, full grown. The Fluffy thing under my right arm is Spontanious Baby Joey, He's a very moody,Mommy's Boy. The Cat clinging to my left leg is Sama Neko, He never.. shuts up. The fat thing curled around my right boot is Vixen, She bites everyone but me. And the pear shaped crossed eyed thing at my left boot is the infamous Krillin Ohma KamiChin, The Forest Gump of Cats. He. Is. Odd. Oh.. the dead fish? That was my Beta, Bejiita. Krillin ate him.

Finished Work
21y202d ago
Other Work By @Spug

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