Deathknell to the fallen
Deathknell to the fallen by @Kahvinporo

Deathknell couldn't help but blame herself for the deaths of her new friends. She knew she wasn't at fault, but the guilt still made her heart ache. The worst thing was that their souls now were stuck in this land, unable to move to the next place. The Pale Horse can't guide them to their proper afterlives as long as Strahd was alive. To make matters worse, the friends who still lived were just shadows of their former selves. Deathknell felt alone, she had always been lonely, but now she truly felt alone. The only comfort in this dark land was her lantern, it held her mentor's soul. But a soul inside of a lantern can't hug you when you are scared.

My DnD Curse of Strahd character! Death domain cleric owlin called Deathknell. I love her a ton, and she is a little sad hoot right now.

Finished Work
196d18h ago
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