Liz Ramirez

Sonic Vs. Sonic - The Internal Struggle
Sonic Vs. Sonic - The Internal Struggle by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

In all of us are two forces; Good and Evil. I don't think anyones an exception, especally not Sonic The Hedgehog.. Who's life has been filled with violence and neglect since the near beginning. What keeps him from going mad? What keeps this young warrior from finally saying "No More!" and taking the violent steps required to remove Robotnik from control? His friends, his family, his lover Princess Sally.. this is what keeps him sane.

Or so, you think.. Is he really sane? is he really in full control? What makes him seek out adventure? What makes him desire the thrill of battle? the victory? What makes him hate the few defeats he's recieved? It is an internal struggle, it's a fight against good and evil.. Now, this picture has alot more to it really, it's part of a story that's not even remotely to this portion of completion.. but i think i'd rather not share it with the world, no. I'm sorry. Instead i gave you an insight on how i view Sonic's sanity, how i imagine his mind works.. A Good force, an Evil force.

Always fighting, always locked in swordplay, struggling within him..

Always. It will never end.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y162d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

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