Liz Ramirez

Mouse Art / Pen tablet - Sonic Picture #1
Mouse Art / Pen tablet - Sonic Picture #1 by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

With my inability to use a pc that has both my scanner and a copy of a good art program i'm left to dwell between the limbo of drawing via pencil, inking then scanning and showing off black and white images... and trying to draw tablet/mouse art with photoshop 4 (Boo-urns!) ... This is my first real attempt at a Sonic picture with a mouse and a pen tablet. As you can see, it aint that great.

One may be wondering why don't i scan images, put 'em on disk and transfer them to my pc with photoshop right? I wish i could! Everytime i do, it seems to crash my system. Stealth says it's probably my onboard I/O stuff thats messing up (Hard Drives are getting corrupted, CD players and Disk Drives aren't reading right.) and i can't really afford to buy myself an I/O card for $20 freakin' bucks. So, i remain in limbo. -.-

Fear not though, those who are expecting an art trade from me.. I'll RIP OUT THE SPLEEN OF A SQUIRREL to get my part done!

Er anyhow. Yeah. Sonic.. next one i'm uploading isn't so bad.

Finished Work
21y140d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

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