Digi Otes

Dark Crucify
Dark Crucify by @Digi (Digi Otes)

Merry Belated East-ah, foo's. :3

Okay...not exactly 'Easter'-ish...more like...the three days before. Which I finished it by, so nyah. just never uploads

My one complaint is his leeegssss...argh...

I have...NO idea how to rate shtoof. :D I thought 'V' stood for violent...and... Well, what young sprats REALLY need to see a crucified bat?

'Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani?' translates to 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'

^^ going to hell for having a charrie pose as J.C....especially the homocide

Teen (V)
Finished Work
20y34d ago
Other Work By @Digi

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