Julie Miyamoto

Dirty Talk
Dirty Talk by @Minzoku (Julie Miyamoto)

Drawn in about two hours to see how fast I could get it done. Dialogue something like

1: sounds of beach and kids playing

2: loud voices shouting, prolly something obscenely vulgar I don't feel like thinking of ATM

violent shudder

3: continued from 2, including graphic descriptions of sexual acts, I think

4: "Excuse me, this is a family area!"

5: "Oh, did your family want to join us? The more, the merrier!"

6: "Ugh! Keep your filth to yourself--as far away as possible, please."


but better, like the art would be if I didn't rush it out the door just to get the idea out because it's otherwise a huge distraction. I mean, this is basically canon... just it looks and reads kinda crap.

...no, I don't know what happens after this. Nothing I think of could ever be correct. Leaving it to the imagination is better than anything I could possibly have them do. =)

Teen ()
Rough / Concept
13y210d ago
Other Work By @Minzoku

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