Liz Ramirez

Rockman X w/Z-Sabre Megaman X 6
Rockman X w/Z-Sabre Megaman X 6 by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

You ever get a hold of a video game you were so eagerly awaiting for, only to be completely and entirely disappointed with it when you first started playing?

..but then.. then it started to get way better with the more powerups you get?

That was my reaction to Megaman X6. The latest installment of the Rockman X series. Aye, they added alot of neato things to this game, but they also did alot of cheap areas. Levels, enemies and occasionally shabby controls can make you rip your hair out and stomp the playstation to the ground.

people tell me it's all sonys fault. if it is, i hope they'll burn for this.

Anyhow.. This is a picture of X with Zeros Z-Sabre. He looks neat with it i think, and although i can't call this coloring.. it's definitely a bit more different then what i normally do.

Anyhow. X rules. And if you want some kickass action.. PLAY MEGAMAN X6 WITH THE SHADOW ARMOR. happy sigh ...

Finished Work
22y178d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

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