Miss D. (Debra)

Sonic and Tails - The Chase
Sonic and Tails - The Chase by @Weasel_Silver24 (Miss D. (Debra))

About fourteen years ago (in 2002), I got an idea to do a picture of Sonic and Tails chasing after Nack The Weasel. Then when I joined this great art gallery "Side7" in 2003, it was one of the first pictures I posted here. Here's the link to that older picture: [url]http://www.side7.com/image.cgim?image_id=274499&image_portfolio_id=29861&art_trade_mode=give[/url]

Now, I decided to revise and do an improved version of what I now call "Sonic and Tails - The Chase". You can see Nack/Fang is riding a newer and better looking airbike, and I really like how it came out.

Sketched by hand, scanned to PC, outlined and colored in Photoshop. Enjoy! :)

P.S: There is one little problem, when I print out a copy of this picture the background comes out dark, when it should come out like a sky color and PC monitor shows it bright sky color. Question: What's going on with that?

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Sonic The Hedgehog Tails, Nack/Fang The Weasel (and his airbike) belong to (C) Sega. Drawing & idea is by (C) 2016 Miss D. (Debra)

Finished Work
8y22d ago
Other Work By @Weasel_Silver24

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