Miguel Castaneda

Kouji and Minerva
Kouji and Minerva by @migucast (Miguel Castaneda)

Inspired by ~ShampooNeko's Go Nagai chibis... Except mine came out horrible...

In anycase, if you're a Mazinger fan, you're probably giggling madly right now, if you're not.. You need an explanation. The guy in the picture is Kouji Kabuto, the main character of Go Nagai's groundbreaking Super Robot series, Mazinger Z. The leftmost girl on the upper right (holding the chainsaw) is Sayaka Yumi--Kouji's self appointed girlfriend. Their relationship is.. Ummm... One of yelling and violence. As such, I don't think Kouji's ever considered her more than a friend, really. She, on the other hand is often jealous and vindictive over Kouji. Even to things that aren't even alive! Such as... Minerva X.

Minerva X was designed to be Mazinger's true partner and even came equipped with an AI system to take over for the pilot should they become incapacitated. However, she was never officially built because her plans were stolen away by Dr. Hell. Now, when Dr. Hell builds her to fight Mazinger Z, he stupidly includes the AI system which refuses to fight Mazinger and resists to the point of crying and overloading her own systems. Once taken in by the folks at the Photon Lab, since she's designed to react to Mazinger's pilot's brain waves, she immediately becomes taken with Kouji and it drove Sayaka NUTS!! Sadly... In the end, another of Dr. Hell's monsters destroyed her AI and she had to be taken down before she could Breast Fire a nuclear plant and nuke the city. Ironically, enough, though, Diana A seems to be loosely based on Minerva's design. And she still lives through Super Robot Wars and the manga, Mazinger Angels.

Then there's... Grace Maria Freed, better known as simply Maria. The girl on the right with the Getter Tomahawks. I don't know if she ever ran across Sayaka in Grendizer but I can't imagine it being a pretty sight. You see, Maria has it bad for Kouji and in SRW, they tend to fight A LOT over him. XD

Now... That you know the characters... The scene's pretty obvious. Kouji's out with Minerva (I have this picture in my head of a comic where Sayaka and Maria are fighting over him and Minerva comes over and uses Breast Fire on them and takes off with Kouji) and its a nice, happy picnic they're having! But ... Sayaka ... And Maria... They aren't happy. They feel like... PAYBACK!!! Also, Dr. Hell's Air Fortress, Ghoul's there to help exude extra evil! XD

Teen (V)
Finished Work
15y95d ago
Other Work By @migucast

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