William Bulmer

Protector by @EukaryoticProkaryote (William Bulmer)

A protector. Not the good kind. Don't tell him about the children that bully you. Don't tell him about how your parents didn't let you play video games. Don't complain to him about how your teacher assigned you homework over vacation. If he asks how he can help, very politely tell him that he can't and that there is nothing about your life you would change. Because he really wants to help.

I thought of this image as I was listening to "Shadows of Mouldwood" from the brilliant soundtrack of the awesome game, "Ori and the Will of the Wisps."

Boy did this take a long time, though, according to Krita, I spent most of that time staring at it figuring out what to do next.

Done in Krita, in 2021.

Finished Work
2y61d ago
Other Work By @EukaryoticProkaryote

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