Nanashi Nanashi

Reiseiichi (One Star Spirit)
Reiseiichi (One Star Spirit) by @koustake (Nanashi Nanashi)

Believe it or not, this was my first Inu Yasha chara (a year old). some how she faded from memory and didn't really wear clothes so revealing! I found my first sketch of her and decided to jazz (which is why itz rated T) her up a little, i drew this in under ten minutes if u can believe it.

Anyway, she is a coward and runs from anything that would threaten her life but she tries to act useful, she thinks all men that come by her are perverts so she would swat them away with a watermelon she constantly carries in a net.

For some reason she reminds me of Mai Shirunai (sp?), maybe itz becuz of the colors of her attire (they just popped in my head, i didn't copy from Mai for one, i didn't even know about Fatal Fury at the time)...

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kousai Takenouchi

Teen (N)
Finished Work
20y338d ago
Other Work By @koustake

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