Sphynx Chao

Drawing Shadow for Dummies
Drawing Shadow for Dummies by @Sphynx (Sphynx Chao)

well, I certainly hope this is a good enough tutorial... lemme see... 1. Provided this image came out on the scanner, the basic shapes for starting Shadow should be on here, a circle, and oval/egg/barrel shape for his body (I use a mix of Sonic and Knuckles bodies for shadow, since he seems like he'd be more muscular than sonic. Oh, and lets not forget little squared circles (or rounded squares) for the start of his hand! ^^ 2. um... make that little mouth thing he has... whatever you'd call it ^^() and make the lines that will eventually become his eyes. Add the triangles on top of his head for ears (note my lack of REAL triangle shape, they're distorted to hopefully look more natural). Add a quill on his back (or a spine on his spine, get it?) and build up around his arms, they should not be just lines!!!! do this for the feet too and add shapes that will become shoes. Also, create a line that will become the bottom quill on Shadow's head as shown. 3. I might have jumped too far ahead with this one... try to finish off the quills on his head, remember those upturned ones on the side of his head are gonna be about the same length as each other. Use guidelines (as shown) to keep the same measurements for the quills on the OTHER side of his head. The circle head should kinda extend into the top quill, the quill then reconnecting to the head down by the side quills. Hopefully It shouldn't be too hard to finish off the shape of his eyes. Add detail to the hands and draw the part of his gloves with the detail on 'em (can't explain any better, I'm dim that way) and add that detail at the top of his shoes. Also, draw in the shoe detail I have put in... if all went well.... 4. add stripes, they thin out to a point on the ends of the stripe (got it? good) I didn't know before doing this that shadow had a stripe just belown his "knee", so don't forget it! I obviously didn't do a very good job on the shoes... but his shoes are hard!!! and for anyone who doesn't know which parts of shadow are black, I've shaded those parts in! Oh, don't forget a mouth, and detail in the eyes (you prolly have the nose in a LONG time ago though right? and the chest thing he has right? I forgot to mention those, but I don't have any tips for drawing those anyway, just do what your bad teacher did shrug ) um..... TA DA!!! You've drawn Shadow! right?

Finished Work
21y242d ago
Other Work By @Sphynx

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