Kris Kitchens

He Had It Comin'
He Had It Comin' by @Spug (Kris Kitchens)

" Yah see, My and my bud Lupin awhile back. We agreed that we didn't need wimen anymore. We do okay by ourselves, We could love each other and that's all we would need. We made a voe. And I stuck too it. It lasted maybe a week, when one night, after a stakeout, I came home to find him rolling in the hay with that damn woman again. I was so upset and angry, I grabbed my gun. Oh how he pleaded and begged. Said he'd never do it again. I said. Oh I know that. And pulled the trigger. Point ...Blank!

He had it comin' He had it comin' He took a flower in it's prime. And he used it and he abused it. It was a murder but not a crime!

Hehe. I wrote my own verse for Chigaco's "Cell Block Tango." X) After seeing the movie and dling the song, this scene was in the back of my head. Can't you just picture it. Jigen-Lion. Oh the angst.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y81d ago
Other Work By @Spug

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