Sabrina A Thomas

Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth by @Hippy_of_Doom (Sabrina A Thomas)

I'm so glad to have this finished! Drawing the initial sketch was so problematic, that I tried to draw another picture of her three times, but that was more problematic than this! She's such a beautiful woman, but bloody hell does she have a weird face that's difficult to draw. It was difficult enough to find a decent image to draw.

Anyway, despite all those problems, it's probably the most accurate to the reference of my drawings so far. Don't know how I managed that! This took about a week, which is average timing for me.

I used: - 4B Derwent Sketching Pencil - 8B Mars Lumograph Pencil - Eyeshadow applicators for blending - Kneadable eraser - A4 paper

Can also be viewed at my DevART account

Finished Work
17y324d ago
Other Work By @Hippy_of_Doom

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