Albert McDaniel

SCRUM Volume 2, #6 - Cover
SCRUM Volume 2, #6 - Cover by @albemcda (Albert McDaniel)

I had Calculus 2 at the local university in place of my first period with the group of SCRUM founders, and on our way to the highschool we often stopped for doughnuts. I love donuts. This was the end of March issue and there was a debate as to what I should draw, Easter and St. Patrick's both being appropriate themes. It also happened to be dress-up week, which was always fun to spoof! Of the other 4 members present at time of the vote, 2 voted for a Fightin' Irish and 2 voted for a naked leprechaun raping a dead bunny... So I exercised my dictorial power as Chief Graphics Editor and drew a donut-eating hippie bunny!

Finished Work
22y255d ago
Other Work By @albemcda

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