Miguel Castaneda

Silly Refia Picture
Silly Refia Picture by @migucast (Miguel Castaneda)

Eheh heh heh heh... Don't know quite what to say here... I haven't drawn any kind of FF fanart in eons... In fact, the last couple pictures I did were gifts for people... The thing is... When I first started drawing... About 10 or so years ago... I was coming down from the height of my Square Fandom... Square had run off to Sony to supposedly make better games than they could on the N64. I was mildly upset with them because I didn't want to have to buy ANOTHER system on top of my N64 much less a non-Nintendo one (Remember the time, folks. You new fangled Console Agnostic people didn't exist back then. You chose your side of the battlefield and YOU LIKED IT!!!) but hey.. FF7 was coming out on PC, right? I'll just wait for that and play it then. And I did. And I hated it so much I gave up without even finishing the first disc. FF8? Just watching friends play it made me hate Square more. FF9? Loved it. Best Playstation FF EVER. Then Square announced that they weren't going to make any more of the "classic" FFs like 9, ever again. They were all going to be like 7 and 8. Super realistic and stupid. I cried my eyes out at the end of FF9 since it signified the official death of what had once been my favorite game series. Also, Square bought Quest, a developer a loved dearly at the time. As if the idea of FF no longer being what it had been wasn't enough, the very thought of Square marketting a ridiculously easy, FMV loaded, pretty boy-one surgeory away from being a girl-heroes version of Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre was just too much. I officially banned Square from my public (making fun of Sakaguchi and Square had been a running joke on Gaming Reality up until then) and private life and that was that. For a while. Somehow got wrangled into FFTA... Though it was a pale shadow of the original FFT and TO... Sword of Mana? It was fun. But the magic system was next to useless and you needed a FAQ to find the side quests. Got roped into FFCC... And FF1&2 for GBA... But my attitude towards Square had changed very little. I'm still not sure I trust them... But FF3DS... If only they could make something like that happen again... [sigh] Well, at the very least... To me.. It's a new FF, the way it was MEANT to be. Can they keep it up? Only time will tell...

Meanwhile... Getting back to the picture at hand... Playing the game all this week, I noticed something funny... Refia's White Mage outfit has strangely high cut slit up the front of it. You'd think, we'll it's just a cloak, she has to have more clothes underneath it, right? ....Right...? Well... If you watch her Level Up pose or catch one of those rare instances when the game shows a close up of her while she's casting a spell, you find out that... No. She does not. XD Granted, they're "granny panties" and she's probably wearing more conventional stockings or leggings than what I gave her, but... Meh. This was a LOT more fun! XD For a while, I even considered making this idea into a new strip for the comic which has been in suspended animation ever since I got my Wii... Of course, that'd break tradition, you know.. Mentioning Square again.. But... Oh, well... A quick and silly pic, it only took me ONE WHOLE DAY to do it, oekaki-style (no fancy layers or anything), at least until the very end when I went a little crazy with the casting effect. Anyway, enjoy! XD

Teen (N)
Finished Work
15y104d ago
Other Work By @migucast

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