
Arniela Sketches
Arniela Sketches by @KingMystrie (King)

I'm putting the nudity tag even though i only drew the upper half of their body and they're turned away from view and its not part of the whole piece because i think a teen rating is better for this image in general tho I can't put my finger on why because this image is 100% sfw i could probably show my coworkers this with no issues. So that's the explanation if ya'll were wondering why I rated it like that.

I made these drawings as a light vent piece about being reallyy tired. I use Arnie as a stand in for myself sometimes when I feel really stupid because when I was a teenager I was really stupid and Arnie's based on my teenage self, and I get really stupid when I'm tired. I was listening to Mary and Not Allowed two different songs made by different people when making this hence why I wrote ''MARY NOT ALLOWED"'

So yeah that image is just art of Arniela lying down, trying to rest despite being upset.

Teen (N)
Rough / Concept
133d9h ago
Other Work By @KingMystrie

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