Quique L.

Apollo by @musewerx (Quique L.)

One from this year.

Apollo is from a dystopian future/apocalyptic universe I put together, currently under the working title of "Ouroboros 99". Features dystopian military dictatorship, and horrible mutant cyborg monstrosities (as seen in background) created as a result of military experiments that traveled back in time to hijack their own creation process and assimilate humanity. Military vs. their own creations. Joy. Small group of rebels and ex-military fight off the 'war machines' while also navigating around the hostile military (now in shambles).

Have designed the other six main characters and a couple of the war machines so far, this dude's a favorite of mine so I wanted to give him his own dedicated picture.

Art, character, & concepts © 2023 Musewerx

Teen (V)
Rough / Concept
172d9h ago
Other Work By @musewerx

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