Taryn Sanders

Faye Valentine
Faye Valentine by @tarysand (Taryn Sanders)

I just started watching 'Cowboy Bebop' now that they're showing it again from the beginning, and I just got a new set of Prismacolor markers for me B-day ^^ (Yeee!), so I thought I'd try them out by doing a practice-type drawing of Faye. Keep in mind I did this without any real reference pictures, so it's not perfect, and the bottom isn't really drawn in, but like I said, this was just to test out my markers pretty much. She looks like she's going, "Pucker up, Baby." ^_~

Finished Work
21y172d ago
Other Work By @tarysand

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 09 November, 2002 @ 04:59 AM

Exceptional work, as always, and that's not even considering it's practice you had no visual reference. Her hair's just a smidgen of a bit more purple than you drew it, though. Other than that insignificant bit of nothing, brilliant to every detail.

Hypothetically Yours, Lucy.

Posted: Monday, 18 November, 2002 @ 03:20 PM

This is really cool. I just got prismacolor markers for my birthday too! I hope you use them more to draw more awesome anime fanart!


Posted: Thursday, 28 November, 2002 @ 09:50 AM

Awsome! Very "Faye" like expression. Nice shading too. Very good for a non refference pic. You got Very close to Faye's exact proportions. I like her better this way. It incorporates your style into her instead of copying her original style. Very nice. Keep up the good work. Cowboy Bebop is the best Anime on the face of the earth!

Posted: Thursday, 12 December, 2002 @ 02:24 PM

This is good. I have an anime' music vidio (actually two) from Cowboy BeepBop and I'll try and send them to you sometime. I still gots to get you a present cuz you're the bestest sister ever so it's gonna be hard to find you a good present. I want some prisma color markers! I didn't get much for my b-day nobody showed up, you were busy and junk. Oh, well this is pretty accurate.

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