syafik iqbalsyah

Ancient version of Candy
Ancient version of Candy by @the_priest (syafik iqbalsyah)

Many people have their own "ancient" side. For instance, my ancient side is a dragon advisor/ranger/traveler with some brains and dexterity. Dragon's in chinese astrology are remnowned for their intelligence and talents, yet sometimes they can become snobby and arrogant (yah. Sometimes i'm like that... no seriously.), while i love to get a knack of long arms i.e. crossbow, firearms, rifles etc.

In other words, these kind of people are versions of oneself that reflects most aspects of their personal profiles wether it's ambition, talents, zodiacs, personalities, and so on. This one of Candy reflects more on her style of self-defence/combat and her ability, which is to form anything that is made from diamonds. The plus to her power is that she don't need any diamonds.

Anyways, this could be a small lesson for the audience i seek, so think hard of your personal profile, thus making your own ancient version of yourself. I wish you luck, and enjoy.

Finished Work
20y330d ago
Other Work By @the_priest

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 31 May, 2003 @ 02:00 PM

Woah! This is so Awesome! I love the pose, the expression, and the shading most of all. :D It's so badass!! And besides, it looks great. ;) Right on!

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