Aestival Aurora

Kittygon! by @Kaori (Aestival Aurora)

Look, it's Kittygon! ^^ And contrary to popular belief, she is NOT a many-sided kitty! Just thought I'd clear that up there.

Kittygon was created many, many moons ago (also known as about two years), one hot, muggy day in the schoolyard. Most children were happy frolicking about, sure to stay off of the forbidden grass, but one group, yes one group of children were bored. Bored beyond their minds. They sat and sat, not wanting recess to end, but wishing that there was SOMETHING to do. Enter Kittygon (and a few other characters, but we won't go into detail on that).

Okay, so maybe it didn't happen like that. BUT, she was created by my friends and me 'cause we were bored. I sort of acted as her and we...um...played. Yeah. We did stuff like that, I think. o.o

Rough / Concept
20y234d ago
Other Work By @Kaori

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