Laura Kershaw

Prida by @Raphaella (Laura Kershaw)

Just doddling in Photoshop, trying to draw human heads. It luks way too much like Sara Pezzini, but it was ment to be Prida (pree-da) my character. I know the top of her head luks weird, but I can't draw human heads to the side properly.

20y207d ago
Other Work By @Raphaella

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Wednesday, 22 October, 2003 @ 03:14 PM

You say you can't draw them from the side properly? Well this looks very good to me, the only thing wrong is her lack of skull height.

Try this! Draw the usual egg shape, now draw a line centrally around the skull top to bottom and from side to side. Now the nose is on the virtical line and her nostrils rest on the horizontal line.

Now note just how much skull area there is. True in some people the fore head is almost hidden by their hair but there is still the same amount of skull above the nose.

I'm one of the later my hair can obscure my face if I'm not carefull I have too much if there was ever such a thing! LOL!

Posted: Wednesday, 22 October, 2003 @ 03:19 PM

Oops please ignore the advice about the nose being on the mid way line, it should be the eyes! Sorry for the wrong info, now I'm feeling very foolish! Creeps of blushing!

Posted: Wednesday, 22 October, 2003 @ 03:37 PM

Lol, that's okay, I'm not gonna blame you for making a mistake, but I'm gonna thank you for giving me advice at least, and commenting on the pic. Yes, her forhead does luk small, and I think her eyes are too low. Thank you anyway ;) I might try that egg-shape guidline for next drawings, ;)

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