Uiru Kizarasu

by @LockON (Uiru Kizarasu)

My first EVER digi painting attempt. After seeing the works of craig mullens i got a huge urge t learn the art, so i set out on a quest t learn. I couldn't think of a decent subject but while i was thinking i was listening to Jeff Waynes musical of H.G Welle's "The War of the Worlds" and so i decided to doodle the battle between the Ironclad " Thunderchild" and one of the Martian tripods.

Since many people i've shown this too have never read the book, the green meteors in the BG are Martian cylinders delivering the fighting machines.

Unfortunatly i couldnt find a decent reference pic of a 19th century British ironclad so the Thunderchild is now based on a WW2 battleship ^^;;


20y170d ago
Other Work By @LockON

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 10 November, 2003 @ 05:35 PM

Really sweet--your colorscheme really pumps up the foreboding mood if this image, and I like your use of perspective on the boat. GREAT FEELING!

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Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.