Stephanie Reeuwijk

In the Shadows
In the Shadows by @steefje (Stephanie Reeuwijk)

The figure in the dark crouched down and surveyed the surrounding area. This was a man who knew how to conceal himself. The flowing cloak that draped his broad shoulders was made out of a simple, yet fine, dark material. It concealed him well as long as he kept to the shades. The deep hood over his head covered most of his face as it crept down low and his soft soled boots gave no sound as he moved about. He carried neither rings nor earrings and he had stripped his clothes of any metal objects that could reflect the light. He was a creature of the night, well adapted to his surroundings, and here in the slums was where he carved out his existence.

The luck of a demon, part 2 - Henrik Larsson

Finished Work
20y164d ago
Other Work By @steefje

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 13 November, 2003 @ 02:04 PM

Nice color sense to this, they work together well!

Posted: Friday, 14 November, 2003 @ 10:11 PM

Great pose. He looks almost like he's praying, or looking up to get someone's approval. I really love the character design and pose and outfit. I think the sky might be a tad too dark, though--it kind of makes the character blend in with it. Although, the paragraph describes how he does blend in, so that might be what you were aiming for, ne? :) Great pic!

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